Spring 2019 Trip

March 29th- April 6th the medical team from the Silver Service Children’s Foundation completed its 52nd orthopedic surgical trip! Thank you to our hosts and colleagues at Casa de Colombia and Fundacion Hospital San Jose de Buga.

We worked hard this week to provide the best surgical care to 39 children! Additionally, 203 children were seen in clinic for follow ups appointments, new patient evaluations, and discussion of future surgical candidates.

The hours were long, but these children and their families make the work easy! They are so dear to our hearts and each time we are in Buga we are reminded of why we are there. The need for our services continues to be great. Time to ask for your support so we can start planning our next mission trip. Please visit our our crowdrise page and like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram! Thank you for all your support!


Our amazing Spring 2019 Team!


Fall 2019 Trip